Hello Mozillians,
This blog post is about the
successfully organized event at BSSS, Bhopal (M.P.) on 3rd
March 2017 by Mozilla Club BSSS. This is the 1st WebVR event
organized by our club. The motive of the event was to promote MozActivate
campaign in our region and also to provide the platform where people can show
their creativity by making good frames. Our team hearty thanks our reps mentor Vaibhav
Bajaj (Representative Mentor Mozilla ) for providing us such a great
exposer and guidance.
- Introduction Mozilla and Mission
- About VR, WebVR & A-Frame
- Demo of basic A-Frame scene
- Basic concepts of A-Frame.
- A-Frame Concepts & implementations
- Hands-on and build some cool VR Frames
- Propose your idea for frame you imagine
Varade (Founder of Mozilla Club coherent UIT RGPV)
The orientation of the event was
done by me, Club Captain Robin
Koshy . He introduced our guest speaker Kushagra
Varade (Founder of Mozilla Club coherent UIT RGPV), Mrs. Archana
Naik HoD Dept.of Computer Applications greeted
Kushagra with a flower bouquet,
then I introduced both the executive members Mukesh
Pathak and Atharv Deshpandey. I gave a brief introduction on Mozilla
its mission and products and then handed over to Kushagra to continue the
session with topic of the day.
Kushagra then introduced the basics
of HTML, VR, WebVR, and A-Frame to the studentsof BSSS. Later he practically
showed hands-on and builds some cool VR Frame and asked students to come up and
do the same. And when the students were performing they came up with doubts and
we as volunteers helped them out and provided solutions. After that the
students tried their best made their VR Frames.
Few students asked questions and
Kushagra provided them with answers and then students were asked to do hands-on
on A-Frame. The students were excited about making A-Frame and they
successfully made many good A-Frames under the guidance of Kushagra. We gave
swags to every students.
After our hand-on session one of our
executive member Atharv Deshpandey gave us a precise conclusion for our event,
and gave vote of thanks and ending the session thanking kushagra for coming to
BSSS college and sharing knowledge with the students, he also thanked the
faculty members of BSSS Mrs. Archana Naik, Mrs. Prabha Biju and Mrs. Jincy
Renjy Thomas for giving the permission and space for organizing this event,
Last but not the least he thanked the Club Captain and executive members of
Mozilla club BSSS, for making it a successful event.
Event Link :- https://reps.mozilla.org/e/mozactivate-bsss-2/
All Pictures Link:- https://flic.kr/s/aHskSz3pir