Monday, 16 February 2015

Hey mozillians..hope uh all doing good...!

So today the Foxwave Bhopal event was conducted in the Bhopal school of social sciences.Was much excited about the event of MOZILLA,and had a pleasure to be the part of it.A great thanx to Rahul Talreja sir for guiding the students to know more about the Mozilla mission,telling them that how the volunteers all over the world contribute to make the web safe and a better place.Many students were inspired by the seminar and hence were eager to join the FSA, and later on moving ahead to be the part of a great movement and contribute on their part.I would also like to thank the teachers and my colleagues and also Rahul sir once again for giving their time and giving us the support at every point for making the event successful.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

hey mozillians..
This blog is something about MOZILLA...which was a mission created a decade ago..when the web needed a support a boost to make it secure and a much better place.They created an open source operating system which is known as #firefox..or better known as mozilla firefoz.A non-profit,non-compromised mission where thousands of volunteer are contributing on their part,for making web safe and much better.Here they are also made to lerarn new things,nurture their skills,and we do it same to the new upcoming volunteers.We boost up our confidence.We get to interact with new people,communicate and create a great network.
At last I would like to say that"people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,ARE THE ONES WHO DO"